What do you see when you look out your frontroom window? In the first moments of morning, when your eyes adjust to the reality of another chance at life, another day, what is the scenery that welcomes you? On my spectrum of the world, it is dull. I say dull because all the crisp colors of the buildings, the crisp edges of the hills and white circles of the clouds swimming in blue are dull. The air is suffocated with dust particles, smoke from the field fires, and pollution. No matter how hard I try to focus my eyes to see the beauty of color of nature around me, it is dull. I wish I could reach out my hands to console mother nature, remove all the pollution particles that suffocate her breath of life. So I wake up this morning and I exit through our black metal back door in order to use the toilet that sits behind a cement wall in our yard and right away the dull air greets me.
Just after a breakfast of toast and jelly (we find integral bread in Danli and jelly too), and a good tall cup of coffee, I stand in the back yard over the cement washing tub doing laundry. I marvel at my clean line of clothing drying in the sun. I stand close and see the crisp color of blue in my pair of capris, all the soils pushed out by my scrubbing over the wash board. In a day of walking up and down the gravel dusty roads in Moroceli, they will be coated in a gray film from the dirty air particles.
I would like to tell you my writing is a dramatic over exaggerated view, but really maybe its not dramatic enough. This infectious disease of pollution spreads into the rest of Central America. Today the newspapers anounced that all of the Honduran airports are CLOSED because of low visibility. I cant see the crisp colors out my front door, and the pilots cant see the runway.
Steve teases me and says my rabbits are so harmful. They eat all our cables, cords, furniture... After my little white foo foo bunny attempts to take a bite out of the orange extension cord that connects the fridge, he states, "Rabbit STEW, better to eat the rabbit than to have the rabbit eat the cords." My reply is "We humans are more harmful that my little bunny. Human STEW, better eat the human than have the human toast the world"
Oh, and one more thing before I close. Can you pretty please leave me some comments? I would love to hear from you, your thoughts, your input, and even better little love notes that keep me going :) I am going to go back outside now and coat myself with dust and gray film.
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