Saturday, June 04, 2005

Adios Amigos

Steve put his arm out offering it to the swarm of taxi drivers passing by. One took catch, pulled over. "How much to take us to the airport," Steve asked, in Spanish if course. "One hundred Lempiras," the taxi driver replied. "No, very expensive. Sixty," Steve demanded. "Seventy," the man argued. "Sixty," Steve stood firm. "Fine, sixty," the taxi man finally agreed. Our two awesome friends hopped in the back seat of the taxi cab, gifting us with two last firm hugs, a few tears and a gentle, "See you later." In just an hour their flight will take off and they will be headed back to their routine of life in Montreal, Quebec. In just an hour we will be headed on a bus to a town called Moroceli in Honduras. Usually after a vacation ends we find ourselves in the airport as well headed back to our family because home to me is where my family ends. This year it is different, we are headed back to our two bunnies and our little cozy home in a dusty foreign town. really though, it is not so foreign and I do admit that I look forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. In a strange sort of way it feels like home. It will be interesting to see how the community treats us after being away for two weeks on vacation when very few of them will ever have the opportunity to have a vacation and see even parts of their own country let alone Guatemala or the caribean sea in Belize. I will end with a see you later. I miss you and Love you all. And on a speical note to Cristiane and Didier when you read this, thank you for two wonderful weeks that were so special to us. We will never forget them.


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