Friday, June 24, 2005

An Honest Entry

Living in Honduras is a beautify experience. I love the painting of the cows grazing on the countryside, the farmers in their white curved hats, and the children running to school in their white and blue uniforms. The best part of it is that I get to spend every moment of the day with my dream man. We work together, we play together, we travel together, we share everything together and being so intense with another person has its own beauty in itself. But then there are days that I wake up and I yearn more than ever than to see my family just for an hour, just for a moment. When I miss them so much, it makes everything seem upside down. I always question my place in life, the trails I have chosen. When there are so many trails I could chose from, of course I am bound to ponder the ones that I left only with a glance-- Like the famous Robert Frost poem about the road untaken. So I will leave this message short because really there isnt much to say. Sometimes intense feelings are like that. I can ramble and ramble trying to find the perfect match of words, but really there just arent any as strong as the feeling itself. I miss you all so much. All of you that I dance with, that I drink with, I play cards with, that I stay up late with, that I talk with, that I laugh with... Family and friends, I miss you. Just remember that you are thought of.


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